Kazemi and Aldemir’s Furkan Awesome Dunks

Arsalan Kazemi can run the floor, as you can see in this video. You can also see that he has a mean streak to him, or maybe a little crazy inside. His millisecond biceps flex was pretty intense. Also, I’m guessing he has 14 rebounds? Some guy unexpectedly said “14th rebound,” in a drunken, high […]

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Hinkie and the Brain

I want you to take a look at this following passage from an article posted by ESPN almost a year and a half ago. This was kind of a big deal: Unable to work out an extension with James Harden, the Oklahoma City Thunder traded the Sixth Man of the Year to the Houston Rockets on Saturday night, breaking up […]

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4.7 Blocks a Game? I’ll Take It!

So, about all these points that the Sixers have been giving up recently. It’s becoming somewhat of a joke. In tonight’s game against Kevin Durant and the Oklahoma City Thunder, we’re +21.5, which is absurdly high. We’re also averaging over 110 points allowed per contest. As a fan, a basketball enthusiast, and a student of […]

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Don’t Forget About Noel

Just in case you’re a Sixers fan who’s down in the dumps, give this a watch; it should cheer you up a bit. If you don’t remember, Nerlens Noel was GOING TO BE the first pick in the 2013 NBA draft, which belonged to the Cleveland Cavaliers, had he never torn his ACL. Instead, they […]

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The Future of the NBA DLeague?

Mark Cuban. Good for you. I don’t always agree with you, but this time, you may have come up with something more brilliant that any invention presented to you on “Shark Tank.” He didn’t go into massive details with it, but just the idea sparked my brain to infinity and beyond. Here’s a quote from […]

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